Saturday, June 27, 2015

11 Habits to Become a More Effective Teacher

What makes an educator "effective" in the classroom?  What are they doing that other teachers aren't?

I wanted to explore this topic and break down key habits that lead to success in the classroom.

Prepare ahead of time.

An effective teacher prepares for each lesson, each and every day.  They research the learning objective and prepare the materials needed to carry out the lesson.

Master teachers don't "wing it."  They have a plan for everything, including scholar misunderstandings.

Make sure your lesson goals and objectives are bite-sized and measurable.

Effective teachers take the standards and break them down into measurable actions. By making student expectations measurable, a teacher can pinpoint the weak areas and focus on filling in the missing pieces.

An effective teacher masters their process down to an exact science.

Know the curriculum.

Being a great teacher is half of the equation. Knowing the curriculum inside out is the other half.

Efficient teachers work through the standards to help them understand the "blockers" scholars might face when striving for mastery. After that, they explore the best ways they can help scholars address these issues.

Constantly build personal relationships.

Efficient teachers understand the importance of building relationships with colleagues, parents, and scholars. The best teachers are constantly making new connections and staying in touch with their support system.

Instead of asking, "What's in it for me?" they ask, "How can I help?"

Think from the student's point of view.

Intelligent educators understand that to effectively connect, they shouldn't just think about the end result. They ask themselves how they can help the scholars succeed. They become an ally for their scholars.


This one may seem obvious.

Effective teachers seek to understand their scholars and families as much as possible and they do this by actively listening.

Want to see a great teacher in action? Just sit-in on a parent-teacher conferences at your school. If the teacher is doing 80%+ of the talking, then they aren't listening enough.  

Get eight hours of sleep every night.

Here's a no-brainer.

Effective teachers know the importance of rest. They know how demanding the school day can be and prepare for that by getting enough sleep.

If a teacher is exhausted, their scholars will notice. The lack of enthusiasm will come through in their lessons and presentations.

Believe in what you're teaching.

It's a lot easier to be enthusiastic about, and teach a lesson when you genuinely believe in what you're teaching. Once you believe you're lesson will better the lives of your scholars, your passion will shine through.

Be purpose-driven.

The majority of teachers aren't teaching for the money. What's your purpose?  

Purpose can be the greatest motivator in the classroom. Knowing you're positively changing the lives of scholars each and every day is powerful.

Eat well.

I've posted a blog explaining the importance of teacher nutrition and its impact on energy levels. Make sure you're giving your body the fuel it needs to be the most efficient teacher possible.

Never stop learning.

Personally, I believe this is the number one habit of highly effective educators.  

They are always looking for the next best thing to help their scholars, they are lost in books during summer break, they are participating in online professional development (Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.), they NEVER STOP LEARNING.

Effective teachers never settle.

Did I leave out any habits of effective teachers? Please feel free to comment below.

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