Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Do's and Don'ts of Following Up with Parents

Communication with parents is a key part of any teacher's job.  Communication is non-stop in the busy day of an educator.  Phone calls, notes, e-mails are always in-transit and it's often difficult to stay afloat.

While all means of communication can be beneficial, they are often missing the most important element.

How should teachers prove that they have the best interest of a scholar in mind?  It's simple:  just follow up.

Maybe teachers don't follow up with parents as much as they should simply because they don't have the "time" or see the value it holds.  But even sending a quick personal e-mail, note or call home following a conversation/meeting can accomplish a lot.

Immediate follow up accomplishes three key things:

  1. Awareness that you care about their scholar.
  2. Communication is a top priority.
  3. Parents and scholars are held accountable.

A quick e-mail or note summarizing the parent/teacher meeting should contain the important points covered, key next steps for the parent/scholar, and a specific follow-up date.  It also doesn't hurt if you're creative and personal in your message.


  1. Follow up the same day.
  2. Be creative and personal. (add a picture or quote)
  3. Be authentic. (show that you're human and not a robot on autopilot)
  1. Forget to follow up.
  2. Be impersonal.
  3. Be unprofessional.

If you only take one thing away from this blog post, make it this:  Following up is central to student success.

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