Thursday, June 25, 2015

Boost Your Teaching Power! (The Productivity Diet)

Good nutrition is a key component to performing optimally in the classroom.

This blog topic may seem obvious for some, but it's actually following through on a consistent basis that counts.  Why?

School days are often long and unpredictable.  These days require laser-focus, attention to detail, and a lot of energy.  Unexpected notes, calls, and e-mails fill in the little bit of "planning" time provided throughout the day.  By the end of the day, you may find yourself drained.

Finding a nutritious snack randomly laying around your school may be like searching for Waldo in your daily newspaper.  Eating for sustainable energy is actually quite simple.

Are you serious about boosting your teacher power in the classroom?  Great!  The infographic below is a good place to start.

Feel free to share this blog post with fellow teachers!

This infographic is published with permission from

the productivity diet

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