Monday, July 6, 2015

4 Unique (and Free) Online Tools for Teachers

Teachers are always searching for new resources and tools to make their super busy day, a little less, well, cluttered.  I've compiled a list of 4 resources that may not be so common in the education field, but can save a lot of time.

I would like to note that most of these resources primarily work with Google e-mail/calendar accounts.

1.  Google Alerts

I'm still surprised at the number of teachers I meet who have never heard of Google Alerts.  This resource can save a tremendous amount of time and effort.

All you have to do is input relevant terms and Google will e-mail a list of links that match your search criteria.  This is especially helpful if you're scholars are learning about a specific person or topic.

This is also a great way to stay up-to-date with current national or local news that may be of interest to your scholars.  You can schedule the frequency of the updates so you're not flooding your inbox daily.

2.  You Can Book Me

Fact: We live in a busy world.  Parent/teacher meetings or conferences are often a time consuming and challenging to schedule.  What if there was a much easier way to schedule these meetings?  Well, you're in luck!

Automated booking services (there are a lot) like You Can Book Me are popular in the sales world but are rarely mentioned in the world of education.

Think of this as having "office hours" for your parents.  You choose the times you're available to meet and once the parent/guardian signs up for a time, you'll both receive an update and it'll be ready on your calendar.

* I realize not every family has access to technology, so this isn't 100% effective, but more than not, this works.

3.  Sidekick

You've sent home several notes with a scholar you're concerned about with no response.  You've called but can't seem to get someone on the phone.  Now what?

Well, you could send an e-mail, but how do you even know if the parent or guardian checks their e-mail?

Well, now you can.

Sidekick (also popular in the world of sales) is a tool that will allow you know if a parent/guardian opens your e-mail.  In addition, you'll know how many times they've opened the e-mail with the times documented.

This isn't a tool I would openly mention to any parent.  Yes, it is slightly creepy, but knowing the message was received to the intended recipient is extremely valuable.  There's also a Google Chrome extension that's very helpful.

You get 200 free message updates per month, which should be plenty for most teachers.

4.  Unroll Me

If you're like me, your e-mail is jam packed by the end of the school day.  There's a mixture of parent messages, newsletters, and advertisements.

Unroll me is a great way to bundle all of your less urgent e-mails into one daily e-mail digest.  It's very user-friendly and is a great way to make sure the most important e-mails are waiting for you in your inbox each day.

I bundle Teachers Pay Teachers updates, education blogs, and company advertisements into one simple daily e-mail.

* Tip:  Make sure you go in once every week or so to update your new subscriptions.  

Bonus:  You can unsubscribe from all of the items you'd rather not receive.

Did I leave out any resources that you love?  Feel free to share your favorite resources below.

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